ptyas korros

Herpetological investigations in Phang-Nga Province, southern Peninsular Thailand, with a list of reptile species and notes on their biology. Wikipedias text är tillgänglig under licensen. Hamadryad 34 (1): 117 – 134 -, Das, I. Photo about black, closeup, indochinese - 163601794 Zoologische Mededelingen 47: 65-87 -, Schlegel, H. 1837. On a collection of reptiles from China. It encloses an area measuring 160.8 square kilometres. I, 372 pp., Vol. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 5(2): 73-90 -, Kopstein, F. 1938.

Dumerilia 4 (2): 123-154 -, Pham AV, Ziegler T, Nguyen TQ 2020. & Tillack,F. Hist. Structure of Ptyas Korros Ptyas Korros are snout obtuse, projecting; eye very large. DESCRIPTION. Lingnan Sci. The snakes of China [in Chinese]. Oxford University Press, NY, 352 pp. 1998: 54 Ptyas korros — PINOU & DOWLING 2000 (by inference) Ptyas korros — ZIEGLER 2002: 251 Ptyas korros — WALLACH et al.

& Schulz,K.

Stejneger, L. 1910. [3][4] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[3]. Purna Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat is renowned for its diverse flora and fauna comprising over 700 species of plants and Leopard, Wild Bull, Sloth Bear etc. Brahminy kite is found in many parts of Indian Oceans and the Australian countries. Die Amphibien- und Reptilienfauna der Me-Linh-Biodiversitätsstation in Nordvietnam. Reptilia (Münster) 8 (44): 20-29 -.

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Malayan Nature Journal 61 (4): 255 - 262, Pauwels, O.S.G.

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Laos 1:5-32.

Herpetology Notes 9: 261-278 -, Das, Abhijit; Uttam Saikia, B. H. C. K. Murthy, Santanu Dey and Sushil K. Dutta 2009. Hist. Sci. It is diurnal, and mainly a ground-dweller. Updated Inventory of Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals of the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore. Ptyas dipsas. 1993. Über die Schlangenfauna eines Gartens in Südthailand. & Rajathurai, S. 1997. Ralph Curtis Publishing, 144 pp. Hist.) SSAR, Oxford/Ohio, 1-522, Ziegler, T. 2002. Indo Chinese Rat Snake - Ptyas korros.

It is the first marine Biosphere Reserve in Southeast Asia. Changsha, 220 pp. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125 (1): 61–71 -, Hawkeswood, T.J. & B. Sommung 2017. 1893. Taylor and Francis, London. Wang, Kai; Jinlong Ren, Hongman Chen, Zhitong Lyu, Xianguang Guo Ke Jiang, Jinmin Chen, Jiatang Li, Peng Guo, Yingyong Wang, Jing Che 2020.

& N.J. Thomas 2019. 1998. Bergman, R.A.M. Ptyas Korros, an Indian reptile which is commonly known as the Chinese ratsnake or Indo-Chinese rat snake, is a species of colubrid snake endemic to Southeast Asia. Mus. Ueber eine degenerative Aberration bei Ptyas korros (Schlegel). Partie Descriptive. Die vielfältige Welt chinesischer Schlangen. I. London (Taylor & Francis), 448 pp.

Schlegel, H. (1837) Essai sur la physionomie des serpens. American Museum novitates (287) -, Geissler, P., Hartmann, T., Ihlow, F., Neang T., Seng R., Wagner, P. & Bohme, W. 2019. Taxonomy, Life History, and conservation of giant reptiles in west Kalimantan. Taylor & Francis, London, xviii, 541 pp. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp. Copyright © Jupiter Infomedia Ltd. All rights reserved including the right to reproduce the contents in whole or in part in any form or medium without the express written permission of Jupiter Infomedia Ltd. -, Ziegler, T., RAUHAUS, A., TRAN, T.D., PHAM, C.T., VAN SCHINGEN, M., DANG, P.H., LE, M.D. Ptyas korros [2] är en ormart som beskrevs av SCHLEGEL 1837.

Biol. Biol. Juvenile. Univ. It is located along the coasts of Ramanathapuram and Tuthukudi. Smith, M.A. -. An annotated checklist and key with natural history notes. Bull. Occasionally bluish grey. Herpetology Notes 7: 397-399 -, Dowling, H.G., & Jenner, J.V. Catalogue of the Colubrids in the museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1986. Jour., Canton, 8 [1929]: 199-219. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 6(1): 1-10 -, Wall,F. Herpetofauna 8 (43): 17-27 -, Tshewang, S. & L. Letro 2018. Mammals, reptiles and amphibians in the Nature Reserves of Singapore - diversity, abundance and distribution. Most encounters with the Indochinese Rat Snake occur as the snake attempts to cross rural roads.

Assessment of Biodiversity among Southeast Asian Amphibians and Reptiles. 1908. [see book reviews by Pauwels & Grismer 2015 and Hikida 2015 for corrections] -, Chan-ard,T. Sauria 23 (1): 25-40 -, Günther, A. home › Brahminy Kite is an Indian bird. GRISMER, DIONYSIUS S. SHARMA, DAICUS BELABUT, and NORHAYATI AHMA 2009. Herpetofauna of the Phnom Kulen National Park, northern Cambodia—An annotated checklist. The first record of Ptyas korros (Colubridae) from Bangladesh. Subscribe to Free E-Magazine on Reference. 2012. Das, Abhijit 2016. Proc. Bonn zoological Bulletin 60 (1): 9-16 -, Grismer, L. Lee; Thy Neang, Thou Chav, Perry L. Wood, Jr., Jamie R. Oaks, Jeremy Holden, Jesse L. Grismer, Thomas R. Szutz and Timothy M. Youmans 2008.

The status of herpetofauna of Bhutan. Sidan redigerades senast den 23 januari 2019 kl. Biodiversity Science 28 (2): 189-218 -, Wangyal, Jigme Tshelthrim 2019. et W. P. van Stockum), 606 S. + xvi -. Washington 23: 169-170 -. 2018. Akil, Hamidi Jamaludin, Rick Gregory, and Norhayati Ahmad 2010. Soc. The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. 2008. -, Barbour, T. 1910. Lenz, Norbert 2012. Amphibians and reptiles of peninsular Malaysia and Thailand - an illustrated checklist [bilingual English and German]. Bushmaster Publications, Würselen, Gemany, 240 pp. -, Bulian,J. Mag. & Suddeth, J.S. ; Gumprecht,A. Snakes from Sumatra. Zootaxa 1493: 1-40 -. The herpetofauna of Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park in central Bhutan: status, distribution and new records.

2005. No12 УДК 597.6 + 598.1 -, Trutnau,L. Elaphe 7 (4): 61-67, Chan-ard, T., Parr, J.W.K. Russ. Asiatic Herpetological Research. US Natl. Ptyas korros ingår i släktet Ptyas och familjen snokar. Ptyas korros (Javan Rat Snake) Diet. Species : Ptyas korros Maximum Size : 2.6 metres. L'anatomie du genre Ptyas a Java. Boulenger, G.A. Ptyas korros, commonly known as the Chinese ratsnake or Indo-Chinese rat snake, is a species of colubrid snake endemic to Southeast Asia.

The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, Including the Whole of the Indo-Chinese Sub-Region. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 512 pp. Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 15–24 -, Onn, Chan Kin; J. van Rooijen, L. Lee Grismer, Daicus Belabut,, Mohd.

No 14: 81-167, Kopstein, Felix 1936. 2015.

1961. SHEN, Y., YE, Y., DENG, X. J. Herpetol. Hefei, China, Anhui Sience & Technology Publ. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 49: 353-425, TEYNIÉ, ALEXANDRE; PATRICK DAVID, & ANNEMARIE OHLER 2010. & Grossmann, W. 1997. Ptyas korros. Zootaxa 2416: 1–43 -, Thinh, Bui Bao;
Trinh Thi Hong;
Hoang Ngoc Thao; Bui Bao Thien 2018.

Reptilia (GB) (31): 12-21 -, Winchell, S. 2003. Abdul Muin Md. A herpetofaunal inventory of Barail Wildlife Sanctuary and adjacent regions, Assam, north-eastern India.

Reptiles of Phetchaburi Province, Western Thailand: a list of species, with natural history notes, and a discussion on the biogeography at the Isthmus of Kra. Herpetologische Notizen XVI. Wikimedia Commons har media som rör Ptyas korros.

Bücher Kreth, Frankfurt/M.

It contains a treasure of wild flora and fauna. David,P. Bull. Boulenger, George A. The serpents of Thailand and adjacent waters.

Herpetology of Japan and adjacent territory. 2017. Karlsruher Naturhefte 4, Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe, 124 pp. Results of the Douglas Burden Expedition to the Island of Komodo. J. Bombay nat.

Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of the Cardamom region of Southwestern Cambodia. Reptilia and Batrachia. Juveniles showing distinct vertical spotted banding running the length of the body. Treubia 15 (4): 405-406 -, Lazell,J.D.

Ein Beitrag zur Eierkunde und zur Fortpflanzung der Malaiischen Reptilien.

II, Snakes from the East Indies. Comparison of Semi-aquatic Snake Communities Associated with the Khorat Basin, Thailand. & Mulcahy, D.G. District Forest Office, District Administration, Trashigang, Bhutan, 20-39 -, Whitaker, Romulus and Ashok Captain 2004. Notes sur l'Ecologie des Serpents du Cambodge. a b; a b; Externa länkar. Calodema, 566: 1-3 -, Karns, D.R. Nat. Composition and structure of a snake assemblage in an altered tropical forest-plantation mosaic in Bangladesh. Zhao, E.M. 2006.

Ahsan, M. Farid and Shayla Parvin 2001. 1888. Ptyas korros, commonly known as the Chinese ratsnake or Indo-Chinese rat snake, is a species of colubrid snake endemic to Southeas.

and Nguyen, T.Q. /*

Oxford J, ohn Beaufoy Publishing -. Ptyas mucosa. Inf. Teil II: Reptilia: Serpentes; Testudines; Diskussion. & Adler,K. Lidth DE JEUDE, T.W. Soc. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014.

The diversity of a snake community in a karst forest ecosystem in the central Truong Son, Vietnam, with an identification key. House, Vol. AKHIL BOOKS, New Delhi, 292 pp. II (color plates), 280 pp. 7: 87] -, Cope, E.D. 1988.

Ptyas korros indicus MELL 1931 Zamenis korros — BOURRET 1935 Ptyas korros — SMITH 1943: 162 Ptyas korros — MANTHEY & GROSSMANN 1997: 385 Coluber korros — LAZELL 1998 Ptyas korros — COX et al. D. 1999. Riv.

Additional amphibians and reptiles from the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary in Northwestern Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia, with comments on their taxonomy and the discovery of three new species. 2014. 18: 312-337 -.

1):145-183; doi: 10.26492/gbs71(suppl.1).2019-06 -, Teo, R.C.H.

The tiger reserve of Palamau is noted to be one of the first ninth Tiger Reserve of India under the Project Tiger in the year 1973. Generally brown or tan in color with faint lateral stripes visible on some specimens. Proc. 1965. Ptyas luzonensis.

Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2008(1): 12–28 -, Grossmann,W. Proc. et al. Zoologische Mededelingen 6: 239-253. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 71(Suppl. 2019. Urban biodiversity: an insight into the terrestrial vertebrate diversity of Guwahati, India.

38: 91-114 -, Stejneger, LEONHARD H. 1907. It consists of canopy of trees which is completely closed preventing penetration of sunlight for discouraging ground cover growth. It is known as a bird of prey. Smithsonian Herp. Ptyas fusca.

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